Achieve your greatest success in life, gain security, and peace of mind that your life’s affairs are in order with a complete estate & legacy plan in 60 days with our proven planning process. 



Let me ask you, if you were unfortunately taken from this earth too soon, would anyone know…


  • Do you wish to get your life's affairs in order for yourself and your loved ones?
  • Do you need a strategy for you and your loved ones to bring your legacy desires to reality?
  • Do you need to simply and generously taking away the stress of not even taking the time to know your own desires?
  • Do you know you have been avoiding this topic, but know it's a crucial topic and conversation that you must face, sooner rather than later?
  • Do you need advice and a guide to will you through the pre-planning process step-by-step and keep you accountable to finishing what you say you want for your life and your family?
  • Do you know that this type of planning not only reduces stress for your loved ones at such a difficult juncture but it often settles any arguments or disputes which sadly arise during this emotionally charged grieving time. 

If you don't know the answer to ALL of these questions, you’re in the right place!
The Ultimate Legacy takes care of that by allowing you to create and share these vital details, and much more, with people who will need them in such an emergency. We cover all of your bases, providing peace of mind that you’ve done the responsible thing and that the loved ones you leave behind will be cared for.

Are you prepared for the unexpected?  
The Ultimate LEGACY will help even the most disorganized among us take control of our on- and off-line details so our loved ones won't have to scramble later. Breaking the task down into three levels, from the most urgent (like granting access to passwords), to the technical (creating a manual for the systems in your home), to the nostalgic (assembling a living memory), this clear, step-by-step program not only removes the anxiety and stress from getting your life in order, it's actually liberating.
I know what you really want

It’s clear you desire to plan ahead is important to you!

But you have no clue where to begin and to be honest

you don't want to have to spend the tens of thousands

of dollars it would take an estate lawyer to do this for you.  


Untitled-design-7 Do you wish to get your life's affairs in order for yourself and your loved ones?
Untitled-design-7 Do you need a strategy for you and your loved ones to bring your legacy desires to reality?
Untitled-design-7 Do you need to simply and generously taking away the stress of not even taking the time to know your own desires?
Untitled-design-7 Do you know you have been avoiding this topic, but know it's a crucial topic and conversation that you must face, sooner rather than later?
Untitled-design-7Do you need advice and a guide to will you through the pre-planning process step-by-step and keep you accountable to finishing what you say you want for your life and your family?
Untitled-design-7 Do you know that this type of planning not only reduces stress for your loved ones at such a difficult juncture but it often settles any arguments or disputes which sadly arise during this emotionally charged grieving time. 


Does any of that sound familiar?

Most of us don’t want to think about your final days, but planning for them now is helpful to those who love and care for you. It also helps make sure that they will know and respect your wishes.  We normally put this on our goals for the year, but life happens and it always gets pushed further and further down on our to do list.  

That changes here and now. 

It's time to make this a priority and to not let another month go by

where this is still looming over you waiting to be completed.

I am going to show you exactly

how to get clarity and create

your legacy plan.

Provide For Your Family
Keep Your Children Out Of Child Protective Services
Minimize Your Expenses
Get Property To Loved Ones Quickly
Save Your Family From The Difficult Decisions
Reduce Taxes
Make Retirement Easier
Plan For Incapacity
Support Your Favorite Cause
Make Sure Your Business Runs Smoothly

Here’s What You Might Not Know about End of Life Planning...

It's Much More than Just Having a Will

End-of-life planning is much more than finalizing your affairs and getting your will in order. Especially if you’re a parent, end-of-life planning involves accounting for how your legacy will be honored, and how future generations will remember you and your legacy.

You Have to Ensure Your Family Will Be Well Taken Care Of

Making end-of-life plans can be less than comfortable, but these are incredibly important conversations to have. You’re not only planning for yourself, but also for your family and beneficiaries. You want to ensure your family is well taken care of even when you’re not around, and having well-established end-of-life plans all but guarantees they’ll have everything they need.

Generally It Includes Estate Planning, Care Planning and Legacy Planning

End-of-life planning generally includes three categories: estate planning, care planning, and legacy planning.  When paired with life insurance you and your family should have everything you need for solid legacy plans that prioritize you and your comfort. 

Everyone needs end-of-life planning.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you are a parent, or how many assets you have.  Many people believe that because they think they don’t have an ‘estate,’ they don’t need to plan.  But being prepared means your loved ones won’t have the burden of managing your affairs when your documents are scattered and your final arrangements are up in the air.   

"Creating Your Legacy Plan: Your Checklist for End-of-Life Planning and Getting Your Life's Affairs in Order"

Because Your Life is Their Future

In a complicated world, an end-of-life plan isn’t just about how your financial assets are distributed. It’s about everything from health care decisions and funeral wishes to your insurance policies, online accounts, and personal belongings.
Families who’ve struggled with the task of managing a deceased loved one’s affairs know it can be tough. It’s a complex process, even for families whose loved ones left them with organized files and clear instructions.
Your life is their future. Leave them with the gift of an end-of-life plan that includes everything they need.
It’s what we call your “legacy plan”. It’s about safeguarding your family from the heartache of piecing together your affairs through guesswork at a time when they should focus on grieving.

Organizing Your Life Before Death

The phrase “Get your affairs in order” immediately conjures up images of a doctor diagnosing you or a close family member with a terminal illness. As uncomfortable as that conversation is, health care professionals issue this directive because most people don’t prepare for death. While such an awful situation is definitely a reason for someone to plan for their passing, we believe the time to begin preparations is long before you hear those words.  Planning ahead of time can be difficult, but it’s important that you understand the following about getting your affairs in order:

Untitled-design-7 The documents you should collect
Untitled-design-7 The information you need
Untitled-design-7 The forms you must fill out
Untitled-design-7 The conversations you must have
Untitled-design-7 The planning you should do
Untitled-design-7 Why general organizing is important

Our goal is to help you prepare for the future by showing you the benefits of organizing in the present.…


The Ultimate LEGACY! 

Planning Course

The full step-by-step guide that moves you from over-whelmed about end-of-life planning to diving head first into legacy planning, as you grow, change and become a better person through the process.  

I’ve put everything I’ve learned into this course from the last 10 years of putting my own legacy planning together. My own legal research, books, courses I’ve taken, workshops I’ve attended as well as creating my legacy plan throughout this period.
This course literally leaves no planning stone unturned. It includes everything you need from a complete understanding of all the necessary legal documents such as wills, powers of attorney and trusts to how to create medical directives and easily keep track of your health.
It also includes the personal touches usually forgotten about. Things like a meaningful photos, recipes, and family heirlooms. A record of your personal history, interests, beliefs, and life lessons. Even goes in-depth on how to write legacy letters and film legacy videos. Then it's the final farewell items like to plan and pre-pay for your own funeral (if you're up for it). We offer templates to write your own obituary (it's not as scary as you think) and then ways to talk to your family about sensitive topics
I have built a step by step plan for you from getting clear on your legacy and facilitating effective ways to communicate your legacy with your loved ones and take the taboo out of the discussion topic


When you sign up, you’ll get access to everything you need to create your lasting legacy.


You have lifetime access to the entire course, so feel free to work through the course at your own pace so you can fully absorb yourself in each exercise and not rush the process.

Here’s a peek at what we’ll cover inside of The Ultimate LEGACY planning course:

Module 1: Financial

When a loved one dies, settling finances can be a difficult process.  We go through in detail what you need to do to ensure your retirement savings, investments, and other bank accounts are distributed how you wish.  Things such as investment accounts, retirement savings, banking information and assets..  

MODULE 1 - Financial

Module 2: Funeral & Memorials


Recording your wishes and pre-planning your funeral ensures your family can grieve your loss when you pass, not scramble to make arrangements.  Things such as burial & cremation preferences, funeral planning and advanced obituary writing.  

MODULE 2 - Funeral & Memorials

Module 3: Health Care Decisions


Does your family know your wishes in the event of an emergency?  Have you made eldercare decisions?  We go through in detail about the critical choices everyone needs to make about their health care.  Things such as living wills, long-term care, do not resuscitate (DNR) orders and medical power of attorneys. 

MODULE 3 - Health Care Decisions

Module 4: Insurance & Legal Documents


Don’t leave your family with disorganized paperwork.  Learn what to do to get your documents in order and make sure your family is protected with wills, trusts, and more.  Things such as life insurance, trusts and wills.  

Module 4: Insurance & Legal Documents

Module 5: Personal Assets

End-of-life plans include deciding how valued belongings are cared for, from cherished heirlooms to beloved pets.  We go through in detail these items to help you make a plan for your personal assets.  Things such as your digital life, vehicles, homes & mortgages, belongings and pets.  

Module 5: Personal Assets

11 Amazing Sessions


Session 1: Facilitating Open Dialog with Loved Ones
Session 2: Gathering Important Documentation
Session 3: Organizing Your Personal Finance
Session 4: Knowledge Transfer on Running the Household & Key Advisors
Session 5: Beneficiary Information Captured
Session 6: Will and Other Estate Documents Created
Session 7: Funeral Wishes Explained
Session 8: Family History Documentation
Session 9: Creating Lasting Words of Hope for Friends & Family
Session 10: Timeline of Action Items Generated for Surviving Loved Ones
Session 11: Rest For You.  Peace Of Mind for Your Family

Amazing Sessions

Enroll in The Ultimate LEGACY course today!




The Ultimate LEGACY Course ($2,599 Value)
The Ultimate Will and Estate Planning Checklist  ($149 Value)
My Legacy Memoirs: The Softer Side of Estate Planning ($297 Value)
State Specific Estate Planning Forms & Legal Templates  ($299 Value)
The Ultimate Insurance Ratio & Financial Mix for Legacy Planning ($159 Value)

Total Value:


But When You Enroll Today, You’ll Get Access To Everything For Just:


My “This Isn’t For Me”

Money Back Guarantee

I want you to be 100% confident when you enroll in The Ultimate LEGACY planning course.
So, you’re protected with my 100% 7-day money back guarantee no questions asked promise.
I believe this course has the power to change the trajectory of your legacy and to lift the heavy burden that end-of-life planning puts on your shoulders.
The course is intended to force you to make this priority in your life easier, more affordable and more manageable to achieve now than ever before. It will keep you accountable to what you say you want when it comes to make sure your life's affairs are in order, that your children are taken care of and your legacy and last wishes are communicated and honored. This course is too important to be left for your loved ones to try to figure out or stress over later in life.
Now is your time to do this work and achieve this goal.
Your time to document your life, organize your important documents, reference your offline and online accounts and to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Create your legacy plan with me today.


Ready to meet your guide & clarity coach?

I cannot wait to lead you through The Ultimate LEGACY course.


Hey, I’m Marlon and 5 years ago I was sad, broke, lonely, lost and at a crossroads in every area of my life. I was a man that has been stuck in just about every aspect of my life and done the hard and necessary work to get “unstuck”. I went through a painful divorce after 13 years of marriage and 3 kids. I learned to start chasing peace in my life, as opposed feelings of sadness and depression. I learned to stop settling for being comfortable in lack a luster and unhappy life and figured out the key to feeling alive and present in it as I go for my big and ambitious dreams.
Becoming The Ultimate Man has really changed my life forever. I have dedicated my life to helping other men not have to go through the heartache and pain that I went through as I help them take control and elevate their life to the next level. To stop playing small and return to their proper role as King, without having to lose their relationships or family to do so.
I can’t wait to meet you inside The Ultimate MAN and lead you through the transformational course.

"My goal is to make it as easy as possible for the person who has to ‘clean up after me; to get through the necessary notifications. Your idea is visionary. Thank you for doing this.""



"In a moment of crisis, the last thing a family should be doing is worrying or being hassled about paperwork. The Ultimate Legacy simply solves this problem." "



There has never been a better time to make a pre-plan and start documenting your life's legacy

Don’t let another year go by before you get your life's affairs in order and to get crystal clear on the legacy you want to leave. Like many people, you may have put off making decisions about your end-of-life care. Thinking and talking about end-of-life issues can be difficult, and putting documents in place can seem daunting. That’s why we have developed this The Ultimate LEGACY planning course. This course will guide your through A-Z, what is needed so you can specify what you want or don’t want — right up to the end and guide you to having valuable conversations with your loved ones.
I want you to take a moment and picture what do you want your loved ones to experience when the day comes that you are no longer here? Do you want them to be so stressed out about your absence and trying to figure out what you want, that they can't even properly grieve? Do you want them to not be in a better off position because you did the proper planning to make sure they will be well taken care of financially? Do you want them to know that you cared for them and loved them enough to do all the pre-planning and legwork regarding your life's affairs, so all they have to do is to follow your guidelines and action steps to put everything in motion?
I already know your answers, otherwise you wouldn't be here. The only way to make sure these things happen is for you to stop procrastinating about putting your life's affairs in order and make it a priority. Make preparing your final act of love to your family a priority. You likely don’t want to think about your final days, but planning for them now is helpful to those who love and care for you. It also helps make sure that they will know and respect your wishes.
Here’s why you need to create The Ultimate LEGACY. I made it a simple straight-forward and painless process.  

Planning the legacy you want: 

Untitled-design-7 Provide Clarity For Your Family - Leaving loved ones with answers, rather than questions, is an act of love. The more information that is organized and prepared before  passing, the easier it is for the people you leave behind to manage the grieving process.
Untitled-design-7 Ensure Your Wishes Are Honored - End-of-life planning is the best way to ensure that your voice is heard. You're effectively creating a clear roadmap for others to follow.
Untitled-design-7 Keep Your Legacy Alive - There's more to an end-of-life plan than legal documents and instructions. With simple prompts, you can reflect on your past and present so that your history and values live on for years to come.
Untitled-design-7 Plan Your Own Remembrance - If you have favorite songs, foods, etc. you wish to be presented at your funeral, putting those wishes in writing is the best way to ensure those plans get respected. Ensure that how you’re memorialized represents who you are and what you love.


"I never really thought I needed a plan like this.  I knew I needed  a will, but there was so much more to legacy planning that I had never thought of and I'm so glad I put all this together.  I feel such a level of relieve and security to know that my daughters will be taken care of.  It even opened the door for us to have some practical conversations about what if scenarios, so there are more answers than questions, when that time does come.  Great product and process to go through!""



"I was exceedingly impressed by The Ultimate Legacy.   I came in with the expectations that it was going to be too much work.  In fact, I was overwhelmed as I thought about this on my to-do list for the past couple of years, but as I started the course Marlon made this seemingly complex process very straight forward and simple. "



Have a question about The Ultimate LEGACY?

Enroll in The

Ultimate YOU Clarity Course today!




The Ultimate LEGACY Course ($2,599 Value)
The Ultimate Will and Estate Planning Checklist  ($149 Value)
My Legacy Memoirs: The Softer Side of Estate Planning ($297 Value)
State Specific Estate Planning Forms & Legal Templates  ($299 Value)
The Ultimate Insurance Ratio & Financial Mix for Legacy Planning ($159 Value)

Total Value:


But When You Enroll Today, You’ll Get Access To Everything For Just: